Visuddhimagga VIII-152

217. Idāni tamatthaṃ vitthārento ‘‘idha, bhikkhave’’tiādimāha.


Ñ(VIII,152): He now said, 'Here, bhikkhus', etc., giving the meaning of that in detail.

Tattha idha bhikkhave bhikkhūti bhikkhave, imasmiṃ sāsane bhikkhu.


Ñ: Herein, here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu means: bhikkhus, in this dispensation a bhikkhu.

Ayañhi ettha idhasaddo sabbappakāraānāpānassatisamādhinibbattakassa puggalassa sannissayabhūtasāsanaparidīpano aññasāsanassa tathābhāvapaṭisedhano ca.


Ñ: For this word here signifies the [Buddha's] dispensation as the prerequisite for a person to produce concentration through mindfulness of breathing in all its modes, and it denies that such a state exists in any other dispensation.

Vuttañhetaṃ – idheva, bhikkhave, samaṇo…pe… suññā parappavādā samaṇebhi aññehī’’ti (ma. ni. 1.139).


Ñ: For this is said: 'Bhikkhus, only here is there an ascetic, here a second ascetic, here a third ascetic, here a fourth ascetic; other dispensations are devoid of ascetics' (M.i,63; A.ii,238).

Tena vuttaṃ ‘‘imasmiṃ sāsane bhikkhū’’ti.


Ñ: That is why it was said above 'in this dispensation a bhikkhu'.

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