Visuddhimagga VIII-166

Manussesu pana keci hatthiahiādayo viya kāladdhānavasena dīghaṃ assasanti ca passasanti ca.


Ñ(VIII,166): And in the case of human beings some breathe in and breathe out long, by extent of time, as elephants, snakes, etc., do,

Keci sunakhasasādayo viya rassaṃ,


Ñ: while others breathe in and breathe out short in that way as dogs, hares, etc., do.

tasmā tesaṃ kālavasena dīghamaddhānaṃ nikkhamantā ca pavisantā ca te ‘‘dīghā’’ ittaramaddhānaṃ nikkhamantā ca pavisantā ca ‘‘rassā’’ti veditabbā.


Ñ: Of these, therefore, the breaths that travel over a long extent in entering in and going out are to be understood as long in time; and the breaths that travel over a little extent in entering in and going out, as short in time.

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