Visuddhimagga VIII-169

Esa nayo rassapadepi.


Ñ(VIII,169): (ii) The same method of explanation applies also in the case of short breaths.

Ayaṃ pana viseso,


Ñ: But there is this difference.

yathā ettha ‘‘dīghaṃ assāsaṃ addhānasaṅkhāte’’ti vuttaṃ,


Ñ: While in the former case 'a long in-breath reckoned as an extent' is said,

evamidha ‘‘rassaṃ assāsaṃ ittarasaṅkhāte assasatī’’ti āgataṃ.


Ñ: here 'a short in-breath reckoned as a little (duration)' (Ps.i,182) is given.

Tasmā rassavasena yāva ‘‘tena vuccati kāye kāyānupassanāsatipaṭṭhānabhāvanā’’ti, tāva yojetabbaṃ.


Ñ: So it must be construed as 'short' as far as the phrase 'That is why "development of the foundation (establishment) of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of the body as a body" is said' (Ps.i,183).

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