Visuddhimagga VIII-66

Paṇṇattisamatikkamanatoti yāyaṃ kesā lomātiādikā paṇṇatti,


Ñ(VIII,66): 5. As to surmounting the concept: this [name-] concept beginning with 'head hairs, body hairs' must be surmounted

taṃ atikkamitvā paṭikkūlanti cittaṃ ṭhapetabbaṃ.


Ñ: and consciousness established on [the aspect] 'repulsive'.

Yathā hi udakadullabhakāle manussā araññe udapānaṃ disvā tattha tālapaṇṇādikaṃ kiñcideva saññāṇaṃ bandhitvā tena saññāṇena āgantvā nhāyanti ceva pivanti ca.

譬如大旱之时,有人在林中发现了泉水,即在那里结以多罗树叶等作标帜,(初则)依那标帜而来沐浴及饮,[PTS 245]

Ñ: For just as when men find a water hole in a forest in a time of drought, they hang up some kind of signal there such as a palm leaf, and people come to bathe and drink guided by the signal, [245]

Yadā pana nesaṃ abhiṇhasañcārena āgatāgatapadaṃ pākaṭaṃ hoti, tadā saññāṇena kiccaṃ na hoti, icchiticchitakkhaṇe gantvā nhāyanti ceva pivanti ca,


Ñ: but when the way has become plain with their continual traffic, there is no further need of the signal and they go to bathe and drink there whenever they want,

evameva pubbabhāge kesā lomātipaṇṇattivasena manasikaroto paṭikkūlabhāvo pākaṭo hoti.


Ñ: so too, when repulsiveness becomes evident to him as he is giving his attention to the meditation subject through the means of the [name-] concept 'head hairs, body hairs',

Atha kesā lomātipaṇṇattiṃ samatikkamitvā paṭikkūlabhāveyeva cittaṃ ṭhapetabbaṃ.


Ñ: he must surmount the concept 'head hairs, body hairs', and establish consciousness on only the actual repulsiveness.

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