Visuddhimagga VIII-223

So hi samāpattito vuṭṭhāya assāsapassāsānaṃ samudayo karajakāyo ca cittañcāti passati.

他从三摩钵底(定)出来,[PTS 287] 而观业生身及心为出息入息之集(因)。

Ñ(VIII,223): On emerging from the attainment, [287] he sees that the in-breaths and out-breaths have the physical body and the mind as their origin;

Yathā hi kammāragaggariyā dhamamānāya bhastañca purisassa ca tajjaṃ vāyāmaṃ paṭicca vāto sañcarati,


Ñ: and that just as, when a blacksmith's bellows are being blown, the wind moves owing to the bag and to the man's appropriate effort,

evameva kāyañca cittañca paṭicca assāsapassāsāti.


Ñ: so too, in-breaths and out-breaths are due to the body and the mind.

Tato assāsapassāse ca kāyañca rūpanti cittañca taṃsampayuttadhamme ca arūpanti vavatthapeti.


Ñ: Next, he defines the in-breaths and out-breaths and the body as 'materiality', and the consciousness and the states associated with the consciousness as 'the immaterial [mind]'.

Ayamettha saṅkhepo.


Ñ: This is in brief (cf. MA.i,249);

Vitthārato pana nāmarūpavavatthānaṃ parato āvibhavissati.


Ñ: but the details will be explained later in the defining of mentality-materiality (Ch. XVIH, §3f.).

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