Visuddhimagga XXII-128

853. Dve bhāvanā abhimatāti bhāvanā pana lokiyabhāvanā lokuttarabhāvanāti dveyeva abhimatā.


Ñ(XXII,128): (d) And two developings are reckoned', but developing is also reckoned as twofold, namely as (i) mundane developing, and (ii) as supramundane developing.

Tattha lokiyānaṃ sīlasamādhipaññānaṃ uppādanaṃ, tāhi ca santānavāsanaṃ lokiyabhāvanā.


Ñ: (i) Herein, the arousing of mundane virtue, concentration and understanding, and the influencing of the continuity by their means, is mundane developing.

Lokuttarānaṃ uppādanaṃ, tāhi ca santānavāsanaṃ lokuttarabhāvanā.


Ñ: And (ii) the arousing of supramundane virtue, concentration and understanding, and the influencing of the continuity by them, is supramundane developing.

Tāsu idha lokuttarā adhippetā. Lokuttarāni hi sīlādīni catubbidhampetaṃ ñāṇaṃ uppādeti. Tesaṃ sahajātapaccayāditāya tehi ca santānaṃ vāsetīti lokuttarabhāvanāvassa kiccanti.


Ñ: Of these, it is the supramundane that is intended here. For this fourfold knowledge arouses supramundane virtue, etc., since it is their conascence condition, and it influences the continuity by their means. So it is only supramundane developing that is a function of it.

Evaṃ –


Ñ: Therefore these are the

Kiccāni pariññādīni, yāni vuttāni abhisamayakāle;

Tāni ca yathāsabhāvena, jānitabbāni sabbānīti.



Ñ: Functions of full-understanding, and the rest

As stated when truths are penetrated to,

Each one of which ought to be recognized

According to its individual essence.

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