Visuddhimagga I-1

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa



(Paṭhamo bhāgo)


序 论



Sīlepatiṭṭhāya naro sapañño, cittaṃ paññañca bhāvayaṃ;

Ātāpī nipako bhikkhu, so imaṃ vijaṭaye jaṭanti. (saṃ. ni. 1.23);

[PTS 001] 经中这样说:



Ñ(I,1): [1] 'When a wise man, established well in Virtue,

Develops Consciousness and Understanding,

Then as a bhikkhu ardent and sagacious,

He succeeds in disentangling this tangle' (S.i,13).


patiṭṭhāya : [abs. of patiṭṭhāti] having established; having stood firmly; having found a support.

patiṭṭhāti : [pati + ṭhā + a] is established; stands firmly; finds a support.

nara : [m.] man; a human being.

bhāveti : [bhū+ e] increases; cultivates; develops.

ātāpī (adj.), ardent; strenuous.

nipaka : [adj.] clever; prudent; wise.

so : [(nom. sin. of ta), m.] he.

vijaṭeti : [vi + jaṭ + e] unravels; combs out; disentangles.

jaṭā (f.) tangle; planting; matted hair.

Iti hidaṃ vuttaṃ, kasmā panetaṃ vuttaṃ, bhagavantaṃ kira sāvatthiyaṃ viharantaṃ rattibhāge aññataro devaputto upasaṅkamitvā attano saṃsayasamugghāṭatthaṃ –

Antojaṭā bahijaṭā, jaṭāya jaṭitā pajā;

Taṃ taṃ gotama pucchāmi, ko imaṃ vijaṭaye jaṭanti. (saṃ. ni. 1.23) –

Imaṃ pañhaṃ pucchi.



瞿昙[qú tán]我问汝,谁当解此结?

Ñ: This was said. But why was it said? While the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthi, it seems, a certain deity came to him in the night, and in order to do away with his doubts he asked this question:

'The inner tangle and the outer tangle -

This generation is entangled in a tangle.

And so I ask of Gotama this question:

Who succeeds in disentangling this tangle?' (S.i,13).


iti : [ind.] thus. (used to point out something just mentioned or about to be mentioned, and to show that a sentence is finished). Very often its former i is elided and ti only is remaining.

vutta : [pp. of vadati] spoken; said; told.

vadati : [vad + a] speaks; says; tells.

kasmā : [ind.] why.

pana : [(Adversative and interogative particle) ind.] and; yet; but; out the contrary; and now; more over.

kira : [ind.] really; truly; (refers to a report by hear-say).

sāvatthī : [f.] name of the metropolis of the Kingdom of Kosala.

viharanta : [pr.p. of viharati] living ; abiding; dwelling; sojourning.

viharati : [vi + har + a] lives; abides; dwells; sojourns.

rattibhāga : [m.] night-time.

aññatara : [adj.] certain; not well-known.

devaputta : [m.] son of a god.

upasaṅkamitvā : [abs. of upasaṅkamati] having approached; drawing near.

upasaṅkamati : [upa + saṃ + kam + a] approaches.

atta : [m.] soul; oneself.

saṃsaya : [m.] doubt.

samugghāta : [m.] jostling; knocking against; uprooting; removal.

samugghāteti : [saṃ + u + ghāt + e] abolishes; uproots; removes.

anto : [ind.] inside; within; inner.

bahi : [ind.] outer; external; outside.

jaṭā (f.) tangle; planting; matted hair.

jaṭita : [pp.] entangled; plaited.

pajā : [f.] progeny; offspring; generation; mankind.

pucchā (f.) a question.

ko : [m.] (sing. of kiṃ) who? which man?

pañha : [3] a question; an inquiry.

pucchi : [aor. of pucchati] asked; questioned.

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