Visuddhimagga VIII-104

Kaṭiṭṭhīni dvepi ekābaddhāni hutvā kumbhakārikauddhanasaṇṭhānāni. Pāṭiyekkaṃ kammārakūṭayottakasaṇṭhānāni.


Ñ(VIII,104): The two hip bones, when fastened together, are the shape of the ring-fastening of a smith's hammer.

Koṭiyaṃ ṭhitaṃ ānisadaṭṭhi adhomukhaṃ katvā gahitasappaphaṇasaṇṭhānaṃ,


Ñ: The buttock bone on the end [of them] is the shape of an inverted snake's hood.

sattaṭṭhaṭṭhānesu chiddāvachiddaṃ.


Ñ: It is perforated in seven or eight places.

Piṭṭhikaṇṭakaṭṭhīni abbhantarato uparūpari ṭhapitasīsapaṭṭaveṭhakasaṇṭhānāni.


Ñ: The spine bones are internally the shape of lead-sheet pipes put one on top of the other,

Bāhirato vaṭṭanāvaḷisaṇṭhānāni.


Ñ: externally they are the shape of a string of beads.

Tesaṃ antarantarā kakacadantasadisā dve tayo kaṇṭakā honti.


Ñ: They have two or three rows of projections next to each other like the teeth of a saw.

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