Visuddhimagga VIII-139

214. Evañhi kesādike koṭṭhāse vaṇṇasaṇṭhānadisokāsaparicchedavasena vavatthapetvā anupubbato nātisīghatotiādinā nayena vaṇṇasaṇṭhānagandhāsayokāsavasena pañcadhā paṭikkūlā paṭikkūlāti manasikaroto paṇṇattisamatikkamāvasāne seyyathāpi cakkhumato purisassa dvattiṃsavaṇṇānaṃ kusumānaṃ ekasuttakaganthitaṃ mālaṃ olokentassa sabbapupphāni apubbāpariyamiva pākaṭāni honti,


[The Arising of Absorption]

Ñ(VIII,139): When the meditator has defined the parts beginning with the head hairs in this way by colour, shape, direction, location and delimitation (§58), and he gives his attention in the ways beginning with following the order, not too quickly' (§61) to their repulsiveness in the five aspects of colour, shape, smell, habitat, and location (§84f.), then at last he surmounts the concept (§66). Then just as when a man with good sight is observing a garland of flowers of thirty-two colours knotted on a single string and all the flowers become evident to him simultaneously,

evameva atthi imasmiṃ kāye kesāti imaṃ kāyaṃ olokentassa sabbe te dhammā apubbāpariyāva pākaṭā honti.


Ñ: so too, when the meditator observes this body thus, 'There are in this body head hairs', then all these things become evident to him, as it were, simultaneously.

Tena vuttaṃ manasikārakosallakathāyaṃ


Ñ: Hence it was said above in the explanation of skill in giving attention:

‘‘ādikammikassa hi kesāti manasikaroto manasikāro gantvā muttanti imaṃ pariyosānakoṭṭhāsameva āhacca tiṭṭhatī’’ti.


Ñ: For when a beginner gives his attention to head hairs, his attention carries on till it arrives at the last part, that is, urine, and stops there' (§67).

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