Visuddhimagga VIII-142

Yassa pana aneke koṭṭhāsā pākaṭā honti, ekasmiṃ vā jhānaṃ patvā puna aññasmiṃpi yogaṃ karoti, tassa mallakattherassa viya koṭṭhāsagaṇanāya paṭhamajjhānāni nibbattanti.

若人(三十二身分中)多分明白了,或于一(部分)而证(安止)禅,更于其它部分而修瑜伽者,则他得依部分的数目而生起初禅定,犹如摩罗迦长者相似。[PTS 266]

Ñ(VIII,142): But several first jhānas, according to the number of parts, are produced in one to whom several parts have become evident, or who has reached jhāna in one and also makes further effort about another. As in the case of the Elder Mallaka. [266]

So kirāyasmā dīghabhāṇakaabhayattheraṃ hatthe gahetvā


Ñ: The elder, it seems, took the Elder Abhaya, the Dīgha reciter, by the hand, and after saying

‘‘āvuso abhaya, imaṃ tāva pañhaṃ uggaṇhāhī’’ti vatvā āha –


Ñ: 'Friend Abhaya, first learn this matter',

‘‘mallakatthero dvattiṃsakoṭṭhāsesu dvattiṃsāya paṭhamajjhānānaṃ lābhī.


Ñ: he went on: 'The Elder Mallaka is an obtainer of thirty-two jhānas in the thirty-two parts.

Sace rattiṃ ekaṃ, divā ekaṃ samāpajjati, atirekaddhamāsena puna sampajjati,


Ñ: If he enters upon one by night and one by day, he goes on entering upon them for over a fortnight;

sace pana devasikaṃ ekaṃ samāpajjati, atirekamāsena puna sampajjatī’’ti.


Ñ: but if he enters upon one each day, he goes on entering upon them for over a month'.

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