Visuddhimagga VIII-141

Athassa anupubbamuñcanādivasena paṭikkūlā paṭikkūlāti punappunaṃ manasikaroto anukkamena appanā uppajjati.


Ñ(VIII,141): Then, as he gives his attention to them again and again as 'Repulsive, repulsive', employing the process of 'successive leaving', etc. (§67), eventually absorption arises in him.

Tattha kesādīnaṃ vaṇṇasaṇṭhānadisokāsaparicchedavasena upaṭṭhānaṃ uggahanimittaṃ.


Ñ: Herein, the appearance of the head hairs, etc., as to colour, shape, direction, location, and delimitation is the learning sign;

Sabbākārato paṭikkūlavasena upaṭṭhānaṃ paṭibhāganimittaṃ.


Ñ: their appearance as repulsive in all aspects is the counterpart sign.

Taṃ āsevato bhāvayato vuttanayena asubhakammaṭṭhānesu viya paṭhamajjhānavaseneva appanā uppajjati.


Ñ: As he cultivates and develops that counterpart sign, absorption arises in him, but only of the first jhāna, in the same way as described under foulness as a meditation subject (Ch. VI, §64f.).

Sā yassa ekova koṭṭhāso pākaṭo hoti, ekasmiṃ vā koṭṭhāse appanaṃ patvā puna aññasmiṃ yogaṃ na karoti, tassa ekāva uppajjati.


Ñ: And it arises singly in one to whom only one part has become evident, or who has reached absorption in one part and makes no further effort about another.

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