Visuddhimagga VIII-144

Imañca kāyagatāsatimanuyutto bhikkhu aratiratisaho hoti, na ca naṃ arati sahati, uppannaṃ aratiṃ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya viharati.


Ñ(VIII,144): And the bhikkhu who is devoted to this mindfulness occupied with the body 'is a conqueror of boredom and delight, and boredom does not conquer him; he dwells transcending boredom as it arises.

Bhayabheravasaho hoti, na ca naṃ bhayabheravaṃ sahati, uppannaṃ bhayabheravaṃ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya viharati.


Ñ: He is a conqueror of fear and dread, and fear and dread do not conquer him; he dwells transcending fear and dread as they arise.

Khamo hoti sītassa uṇhassa …pe… pāṇaharānaṃ adhivāsakajātiko hoti (ma. ni. 3.159).


Ñ: He is one who bears cold and heat... who endures ... arisen bodily feelings that are ... menacing to life' (M.iii,97);

Kesādīnaṃ vaṇṇabhedaṃ nissāya catunnaṃ jhānānaṃ lābhī hoti.


Ñ: he becomes an obtainer of the four jhānas based on the colour aspect of the head hairs, etc.;

Cha abhiññā paṭivijjhati (ma. ni. 3.159).


Ñ: and he comes to penetrate the six kinds of direct-knowledge (see M. Sutta 6).

Tasmā have appamatto, anuyuñjetha paṇḍito;

Evaṃ anekānisaṃsaṃ, imaṃ kāyagatāsatinti.





Ñ: So let a man, if he is wise,

Untiringly devote his days

To mindfulness of body which

Rewards him in so many ways.

Idaṃ kāyagatāsatiyaṃ vitthārakathāmukhaṃ.


Ñ: This is the section dealing with mindfulness occupied with the body in the detailed treatise.

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