Visuddhimagga VIII-145




215. Idāni yaṃ taṃ bhagavatā ‘‘ayampi kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassatisamādhi bhāvito bahulīkato santo ceva paṇīto ca asecanako ca sukho ca vihāro, uppannuppanne ca pāpake akusale dhamme ṭhānaso antaradhāpeti vūpasametī’’ti evaṃ pasaṃsitvā –


Ñ(VIII,145): Now comes the description of the development of mindfulness of breathing as a meditation subject. It has been recommended by the Blessed One thus: 'And, bhikkhus, this concentration through mindfulness of breathing, when developed and practised much, is both peaceful and sublime, it is an unadulterated blissful abiding, and it banishes at once and stills evil unprofitable thoughts as soon as they arise' (S.v,321; Vin.iii,70).

‘‘Kathaṃ bhāvito ca, bhikkhave, ānāpānassatisamādhi kathaṃ bahulīkato santo ceva paṇīto ca asecanako ca sukho ca vihāro, uppannuppanne ca pāpake akusale dhamme ṭhānaso antaradhāpeti vūpasameti?



Ñ: It has been described by the Blessed One as having sixteen bases thus: 'And how developed, bhikkhus, how practised much, is concentration through mindfulness of breathing both peaceful and sublime, an unadulterated blissful abiding, banishing at once and stilling evil unprofitable thoughts as soon as they arise?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu araññagato vā rukkhamūlagato vā suññāgāragato vā nisīdati pallaṅkaṃ ābhujitvā ujuṃ kāyaṃ paṇidhāya parimukhaṃ satiṃ upaṭṭhapetvā,

诸比丘!兹有比丘,去阿练若,或去树下,或去空闲处,结跏趺坐,正直其身,置念面前,[PTS 267]

Ñ: 'Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, gone to the forest or to the root of a tree or to an empty place, sits down; having folded his legs crosswise, set his body erect, established mindfulness in front of him, [267]

so satova assasati sato passasati.


Ñ: ever mindful he breathes in, mindful he breathes out.

Dīghaṃ vā assasanto dīghaṃ assasāmīti pajānāti. Dīghaṃ vā passasanto…pe…


Ñ: '(i) Breathing in long, he knows: "I breathe in long"; or breathing out long, he knows: "I breathe out long",

rassaṃ vā assasanto…pe… rassaṃ vā passasanto rassaṃ passasāmīti pajānāti.


Ñ: (ii) Breathing in short, he knows: "I breathe in short"; or breathing out short, he knows: "I breathe out short",

Sabbakāyapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmīti sikkhati. Sabbakāyapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmīti sikkhati.


Ñ: (iii) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in experiencing the whole body"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out experiencing the whole body",

Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ assasissāmīti sikkhati. Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ passasissāmīti sikkhati.


Ñ: (iv) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in tranquillizing the bodily formation"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out tranquillizing the bodily formation".



Ñ: '(v) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in experiencing happiness"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out experiencing happiness",



Ñ: (vi) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in experiencing bliss"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out experiencing bliss",



Ñ: (vii) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in experiencing the mental formation"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out experiencing the mental formation",

passambhayaṃ cittasaṅkhāraṃ…


Ñ: (viii) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in tranquillizing the mental formation"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out tranquillizing the mental formation".



Ñ: '(ix) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in experiencing the [manner of] consciousness"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out experiencing the [manner of] consciousness",

abhippamodayaṃ cittaṃ…


Ñ: (x) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in gladdening the [manner of] consciousness"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out gladdening the [manner of] consciousness",

samādahaṃ cittaṃ…


Ñ: (xi) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in concentrating the [manner of] consciousness"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out concentrating the [manner of] consciousness",

vimocayaṃ cittaṃ …


Ñ: (xii) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in liberating the [manner of] consciousness"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out liberating the [manner of] consciousness".



Ñ: '(xiii) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in contemplating impermanence"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out contemplating impermanence".



Ñ: (xiv) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in contemplating fading away"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out contemplating fading away",



Ñ: (xv) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in contemplating cessation"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out contemplating cessation",

Paṭinissaggānupassī assasissāmīti sikkhati. Paṭinissaggānupassī passasissāmīti sikkhatī’’ti –


Ñ: (xvi) He trains thus: "I shall breathe in contemplating relinquishment"; he trains thus: "I shall breathe out contemplating relinquishment" ' (S.v,321-22).

Evaṃ soḷasavatthukaṃ ānāpānassatikammaṭṭhānaṃ niddiṭṭhaṃ.



Tassa bhāvanānayo anuppatto.



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