Visuddhimagga VIII-160

Tattha pallaṅkanti samantato ūrubaddhāsanaṃ.


Ñ(VIII,160): Herein, crosswise is the sitting position with the thighs fully locked.

Ābhujitvāti bandhitvā.


Ñ: Folded: having locked.

Ujuṃ kāyaṃ paṇidhāyāti uparimasarīraṃ ujukaṃ ṭhapetvā. Aṭṭhārasapiṭṭhikaṇṭake koṭiyā koṭiṃ paṭipādetvā.


Ñ: Set his body erect: having placed the upper part of the body erect with the eighteen backbones resting end to end.

Evañhi nisīdantassa cammamaṃsanhārūni na paṇamanti.


Ñ: For when he is seated like this, his skin, flesh and sinews are not twisted,

Athassa yā tesaṃ paṇamanappaccayā khaṇe khaṇe vedanā uppajjeyyuṃ, tā na uppajjanti.


Ñ: and so the feelings that would arise moment by moment if they were twisted do not arise.

Tāsu anuppajjamānāsu cittaṃ ekaggaṃ hoti,


Ñ: That being so, his mind becomes unified,

kammaṭṭhānaṃ na paripatati, vuddhiṃ phātiṃ upagacchati.


Ñ: and the meditation subject, instead of collapsing, attains to growth and increase.

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