Visuddhimagga VIII-159

Evamassa ututtayānukūlaṃ dhātucariyānukūlañca ānāpānassatibhāvanānurūpaṃ senāsanaṃ upadisitvā alīnānuddhaccapakkhikaṃ santaṃ iriyāpathaṃ upadisanto nisīdatīti āha.


Ñ(VIII,159): Having thus indicated an abode that is suitable to the three seasons, suitable to humour and temperament, and favourable to the development of mindfulness of breathing, he then said sits down, etc., indicating a posture that is peaceful and tends neither to idleness nor to agitation.

Athassa nisajjāya daḷhabhāvaṃ assāsapassāsānaṃ pavattanasukhataṃ ārammaṇapariggahūpāyañca dassento pallaṅkaṃ ābhujitvātiādimāha.


Ñ: Then he said having folded his legs crosswise, etc., to show firmness in the sitting position, easy occurrence of the in-breaths and out-breaths, and the means for discerning the object.

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