Visuddhimagga VIII-164

Tattha dīghaṃ vā assasantoti dīghaṃ vā assāsaṃ pavattayanto.

(安般念的十六事)此中(一)「出息长」即维持长的出息。[PTS 272]

Ñ(VIII,164): Herein, breathing in long (assasanto) is producing a long in-breath. [272] '

Assāsoti bahi nikkhamanavāto.


Ñ: Assāsa is the wind issuing out;

Passāsoti anto pavisanavātoti vinayaṭṭhakathāyaṃ vuttaṃ.


Ñ: passāsa is the wind entering in' is said in the Vinaya Commentary.

Suttantaṭṭhakathāsu pana uppaṭipāṭiyā āgataṃ.


Ñ: But in the Suttanta Commentaries it is given in the opposite sense.

Tattha sabbesampi gabbhaseyyakānaṃ mātukucchito nikkhamanakāle paṭhamaṃ abbhantaravāto bahi nikkhamati.


Ñ: Herein, when any infant comes out from the mother's womb, first the wind from within goes out

Pacchā bāhiravāto sukhumarajaṃ gahetvā abbhantaraṃ pavisanto tāluṃ āhacca nibbāyati.


Ñ: and subsequently the wind from without enters in with fine dust, strikes the palate and is extinguished [with the infant's sneezing].

Evaṃ tāva assāsapassāsā veditabbā.


Ñ: This, firstly, is how assāsa and passāsa should be understood.

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