Visuddhimagga VIII-17

Idaṃ maraṇaṃ nāma mahāyasānaṃ mahāparivārānaṃ sampannadhanavāhanānaṃ mahāsammatamandhātumahāsudassana daḷhanemi nimippabhutīnampi upari nirāsaṅkameva patitaṃ,

对于有大名声,大眷属,大财富及多牲骑等,[PTS 233] 如摩诃三摩多王(Mahāsammata),曼陀多王(Mandhātu),大善见王(Mahāsudassana),坚辐王(Daḷhanemi),尼弥王(Nimi)等,无疑的都已为死所侵袭,

Ñ(VIII,17): Although Mahāsammata, Mandhātu, Mahāsudassana, Daḷhanemi, Nimi, etc., were greatly famous and had a great following, and though they had amassed enormous wealth, yet death inevitably caught up with them at length,

kimaṅgaṃ pana mayhaṃ upari na patissati?


Ñ: so how shall it not at length overtake me?

Mahāyasā rājavarā, mahāsammataādayo;

Tepi maccuvasaṃ pattā, mādisesu kathāva kāti.





Ñ: Great kings like Mahāsammata,

Whose fame did spread so mightily,

All fell into death's power too;

What can be said of those like me?

Evaṃ tāva yasamahattato anussaritabbaṃ.


Ñ: It should be recollected in this way, firstly, by comparison with those of great fame.

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