Visuddhimagga VIII-172

Ekassa hi bhikkhuno cuṇṇavicuṇṇavisaṭe assāsakāye passāsakāye vā ādi pākaṭo hoti, na majjhapariyosānaṃ.


Ñ(VIII,172): To one bhikkhu the beginning of the in-breath body or the out-breath body, distributed in particles, [that is to say, regarded as successive arisings (see note 45)] is plain, but not the middle or the end;

So ādimeva pariggahetuṃ sakkoti, majjhapariyosāne kilamati.


Ñ: he is only able to discern the beginning and has difficulty with the middle and the end.

Ekassa majjhaṃ pākaṭaṃ hoti, na ādipariyosānaṃ.


Ñ: To another the middle is plain, not the beginning or the end;

Ekassa pariyosānaṃ pākaṭaṃ hoti, na ādimajjhaṃ.


Ñ: he is only able to discern the middle and has difficulty with the beginning and the end. To another the end is plain, not the beginning or the middle;

So pariyosānaṃyeva pariggahetuṃ sakkoti, ādimajjhe kilamati.

他只能取其后,[PTS 274] 对于初中则觉疲倦。

Ñ: he is only able to discern the end [274] and has difficulty with the beginning and the middle.

Ekassa sabbampi pākaṭaṃ hoti,


Ñ: To yet another all stages are plain;

so sabbampi pariggahetuṃ sakkoti,


Ñ: he is able to discern them all

na katthaci kilamati,


Ñ: and has no difficulty with any of them.

tādisena bhavitabbanti dassento āha –


Ñ: Pointing out that one should be like the last-mentioned bhikkhu, he said:

‘‘sabbakāyapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmīti…pe… passasissāmīti sikkhatī’’ti.


Ñ: 'He trains thus: "I shall breathe in … shall breathe out experiencing the whole body" '.

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