Visuddhimagga VIII-23

Kathaṃ sammāsambuddhato?


Ñ(VIII,23): How by comparison with fully enlightened Buddhas?

Yopi so bhagavā asītianubyañjanapaṭimaṇḍitadvattiṃsamahāpurisalakkhaṇavicitrarūpakāyo sabbākāraparisuddhasīlakkhandhādiguṇaratanasamiddhadhammakāyo yasamahattapuññamahattathāmamahattaiddhimahattapaññāmahattānaṃ pāraṃ gato asamo asamasamo appaṭipuggalo arahaṃ sammāsambuddho,


Ñ: Even the Blessed One, whose material body was embellished with the eighty lesser details and adorned with the thirty-two marks of a great man (see M. Sutta 91; D. Sutta 30), whose Dhamma body brought to perfection the treasured qualities of the aggregates of virtue, etc., made pure in every aspect, who overpassed greatness of fame, greatness of merit, greatness of strength, greatness of supernormal power and greatness of understanding, who had no equal, who was the equal of those without equal, without double, accomplished and fully enlightened—

sopi salilavuṭṭhinipātena mahāaggikkhandho viya maraṇavuṭṭhinipātena ṭhānaso vūpasanto.


Ñ: even he was suddenly quenched by the downpour of death's rain, as a great mass of fire is quenched by the downpour of a rain of water.

Evaṃ mahānubhāvassa, yaṃ nāmetaṃ mahesino;

Na bhayena na lajjāya, maraṇaṃ vasamāgataṃ.

Nillajjaṃ vītasārajjaṃ, sabbasattābhimaddanaṃ;

Tayidaṃ mādisaṃ sattaṃ, kathaṃ nābhibhavissatīti.







Ñ: And so the Greatest Sage possessed

Such mighty power in every way,

And it was not through fear or guilt

That over him Death held his sway.

No being, not even one without

Guilt or pusillanimity

But will be smitten down; so how

Will he not conquer those like me?

Evaṃ sammāsambuddhato anussaritabbaṃ.


Ñ: It should be recollected in this way by comparison with fully enlightened Buddhas.

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