Visuddhimagga VIII-25

172. Kāyabahusādhāraṇatoti ayaṃ kāyo bahusādhāraṇo.


Ñ(VIII,25): 4. As to the sharing of the body with many: this body is shared by many.

Asītiyā tāva kimikulānaṃ sādhāraṇo,


Ñ: Firstly, it is shared by the eighty families of worms.

tattha chavinissitā pāṇā chaviṃ khādanti, cammanissitā cammaṃ khādanti, maṃsanissitā maṃsaṃ khādanti, nhārunissitā nhāruṃ khādanti, aṭṭhinissitā aṭṭhiṃ khādanti, miñjanissitā miñjaṃ khādanti.


Ñ: There too, creatures live in dependence on the outer skin, feeding on the outer skin; creatures live in dependence on the inner skin, feeding on the inner skin; creatures live in dependence on the flesh, feeding on the flesh; creatures live in dependence on the sinews, feeding on the sinews; creatures live in dependence on the bones, feeding on the bones; and creatures live in dependence on the marrow, feeding on the marrow.

Tattheva jāyanti jīyanti mīyanti, uccārapassāvaṃ karonti.


Ñ: And there they are born, grow old and die, evacuate, and make water;

Kāyova nesaṃ sūtigharañceva gilānasālā ca susānañca vaccakuṭi ca passāvadoṇikā ca.


Ñ: and the body is their maternity home, their hospital, their charnel ground, their privy and their urinal.

Svāyaṃ tesampi kimikulānaṃ pakopena maraṇaṃ nigacchatiyeva.


Ñ: The body can also be brought to death with the upsetting of these worms.

Yathā ca asītiyā kimikulānaṃ,


Ñ: And just as it is shared with the eighty families of worms,

evaṃ ajjhattikānaṃyeva anekasatānaṃ rogānaṃ bāhirānañca ahivicchikādīnaṃ maraṇassa paccayānaṃ sādhāraṇo.


Ñ: so too it is shared by the several hundred internal diseases, as well as by such external causes of death as snakes, scorpions, and what not.

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