Visuddhimagga VIII-26

Yathā hi catumahāpathe ṭhapite lakkhamhi sabbadisāhi āgatā sarasattitomarapāsāṇādayo nipatanti,


Ñ(VIII,26): And just as when a target is set up at a cross-roads and then arrows, spears, pikes, stones, etc., come from all directions and fall upon it,

evaṃ kāyepi sabbupaddavā nipatanti.


Ñ: so too all kinds of accidents befall the body,

Svāyaṃ tesampi upaddavānaṃ nipātena maraṇaṃ nigacchatiyeva.


Ñ: and it also comes to death through these accidents befalling it.

Tenāha bhagavā –


Ñ: Hence the Blessed One said:

‘‘idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu divase nikkhante rattiyā paṭihitāya iti paṭisañcikkhati, bahukā kho me paccayā maraṇassa, ahi vā maṃ ḍaṃseyya, vicchiko vā maṃ ḍaṃseyya, satapadī vā maṃ ḍaṃseyya, tena me assa kālaṅkiriyā, so mamassa antarāyo,


Ñ: 'Here, bhikkhus, when day is departing and night is drawing on, a bhikkhu considers thus: "In many ways I can risk death. A snake may bite me, or a scorpion may sting me, or a centipede may sting me. I might die of that, and that would set me back.

upakkhalitvā vā papateyyaṃ, bhattaṃ vā me bhuttaṃ byāpajjeyya, pittaṃ vā me kuppeyya, semhaṃ vā me kuppeyya, satthakā vā me vātā kuppeyyuṃ, tena me assa kālaṅkiriyā, so mamassa antarāyo’’ti.


Ñ: Or I might stumble and fall, or the food I have eaten might disagree with me, or my bile might get upset, or my phlegm might get upset [and sever my joints as it were] like knives. I might die of that, and that would set me back"' (A.iii,306).

Evaṃ (a. ni. 6.20) kāyabahusādhāraṇato maraṇaṃ anussaritabbaṃ.


Ñ: That is how death should be recollected as to sharing the body with many.

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