Visuddhimagga VIII-34

Gatipi ‘‘ito cutena idha nibbattitabba’’nti evaṃ vavatthānābhāvato animittā.


Ñ(VIII,34): And the destiny has no sign because there is no definition such as: One who dies there must be reborn here.

Devalokato hi cutā manussesupi nibbattanti, manussalokato cutā devalokādīnampi yattha katthaci nibbattantīti evaṃ yantayuttagoṇo viya gatipañcake loko samparivattatīti evaṃ animittato maraṇaṃ anussaritabbaṃ.


Ñ: For there are some who die in a divine world and are reborn in the human world, and there are some who die in the human world and are reborn in a divine world, and so on. And in this way the world goes round and round the five kinds of destinies like an ox harnessed to a machine.

This is how death should be recollected as signless.

Notes : Chinese translation does not translate 'evaṃ animittato maraṇaṃ anussaritabbaṃ' as 当如是「以无相故」而念死。

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