Visuddhimagga VIII-49

Imasmiṃ hi paṭikkūlamanasikārakammaṭṭhāne yopi tipiṭako hoti, tenāpi manasikārakāle paṭhamaṃ vācāya sajjhāyo kātabbo.


Ñ(VIII,49): 1. This meditation subject consists in giving attention to repulsiveness. Even if one is master of the Tipiṭaka, the verbal recitation should still be done at the time of first giving it attention.

Ekaccassa hi sajjhāyaṃ karontasseva kammaṭṭhānaṃ pākaṭaṃ hoti malayavāsī mahādevattherassa santike uggahitakammaṭṭhānānaṃ dvinnaṃ therānaṃ viya.


Ñ: For the meditation subject only becomes evident to some through recitation, as it did to the two elders who learned the meditation subject from the Elder Mahā-Deva of the Hill Country (Malaya).

Thero kira tehi kammaṭṭhānaṃ yācito cattāro māse imaṃyeva sajjhāyaṃ karothāti dvattiṃsākārapāḷiṃ adāsi.


Ñ: On being asked for the meditation subject, it seems, the elder [242] gave the text of the thirty-two aspects, saying 'Do only this recitation for four months'.

Te kiñcāpi nesaṃ dve tayo nikāyā paguṇā, padakkhiṇaggāhitāya pana cattāro māse dvattiṃsākāraṃ sajjhāyantāva sotāpannā ahesuṃ.

他们虽然是精通二三部(尼迦耶)的人,[PTS 242] 但亦依法善巧的在四个月中读诵三十二种身,直至证得须陀洹果。

Ñ: Although they were familiar respectively with two and three Piṭakas, it was only at the end of four months of recitation of the meditation subject that they became stream-enterers, with right apprehension [of the text].

Tasmā kammaṭṭhānaṃ kathentena ācariyena antevāsiko vattabbo ‘‘paṭhamaṃ tāva vācāya sajjhāyaṃ karohī’’ti.


Ñ: So the teacher who expounds the meditation subject should tell the pupil to do the recitation verbally first.

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