Visuddhimagga VIII-48

180. Imaṃ pana kammaṭṭhānaṃ bhāvetukāmena ādikammikena kulaputtena vuttappakāraṃ kalyāṇamittaṃ upasaṅkamitvā idaṃ kammaṭṭhānaṃ gahetabbaṃ.



Ñ(VIII,48): Now a clansman who, as a beginner, wants to develop this meditation subject should go to a good friend of the kind already described (Ch. III, §§61-73) and learn it.

Tenāpissa kammaṭṭhānaṃ kathentena sattadhā uggahakosallaṃ dasadhā ca manasikārakosallaṃ ācikkhitabbaṃ.


Ñ: And the teacher who expounds it to him should tell him the sevenfold skill in learning and the tenfold skill in giving attention.

Tattha vacasā manasā vaṇṇato saṇṭhānato disato okāsato paricchedatoti evaṃ sattadhā uggahakosallaṃ ācikkhitabbaṃ.


[The Sevenfold Skill in Learning]

Ñ: Herein, the sevenfold skill in learning should be told thus: (1) as verbal recitation, (2) as mental recitation, (3) as to colour, (4) as to shape, (5) as to direction, (6) as to location, (7) as to delimitation.

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