Visuddhimagga VIII-58

Vaṇṇatoti kesādīnaṃ vaṇṇo vavatthapetabbo.


Ñ(VIII,58): 3. As to colour: the colour of the head hairs, etc., should be defined.

Saṇṭhānatoti tesaññeva saṇṭhānaṃ vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ: 4. As to shape: their shape should be defined too.

Disatoti imasmiṃ hi sarīre nābhito uddhaṃ uparimadisā, adho heṭṭhimadisā,


Ñ: 5. As to direction: in this body, upwards from the navel is the upward direction, and downwards from it is the downward direction.

tasmā ayaṃ koṭṭhāso imissā nāma disāyāti disā vavatthapetabbā.


Ñ: So the direction should be defined thus: 'This part is in this direction'.

Okāsatoti ayaṃ koṭṭhāso imasmiṃ nāma okāse patiṭṭhitoti evaṃ tassa tassa okāso vavatthapetabbo.


Ñ: 6. As to location: the location of this or that part should be defined thus: 'This part is established in this location'.

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