Visuddhimagga VIII-63

Anupubbato manasikarontenāpi ca nātisīghato manasikātabbaṃ.


Ñ(VIII,63): 2. Also when he gives attention to it following the serial order, he should do so not too quickly.

Atisīghato manasikaroto hi yathā nāma tiyojanamaggaṃ paṭipajjitvā okkamanavissajjanaṃ asallakkhetvā sīghena javena satakkhattumpi gamanāgamanaṃ karoto purisassa kiñcāpi addhānaṃ parikkhayaṃ gacchati, atha kho pucchitvāva gantabbaṃ hoti, evameva kevalaṃ kammaṭṭhānaṃ pariyosānaṃ pāpuṇāti, avibhūtaṃ pana hoti, na visesaṃ āvahati, tasmā nātisīghato manasikātabbaṃ.


Ñ: For just as when a man sets out on a three-league journey, even if he has already done the journey out and back a hundred times rapidly without taking note of [turnings] to be taken and avoided, though he may finish his journey, he still has to ask how to get there, so too, when the meditator gives his attention to the meditation subject too quickly, though he may reach the end of the meditation subject, it still doss not become clear or bring about any distinction. So he should not give his attention to it too quickly.

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