Visuddhimagga VIII-64

Yathā ca nātisīghato, evaṃ nātisaṇikatopi. Atisaṇikato manasikaroto hi yathā nāma tadaheva tiyojanamaggaṃ gantukāmassa purisassa antarāmagge rukkhapabbatataḷākādīsu vilambamānassa maggo parikkhayaṃ na gacchati, dvīhatīhena pariyosāpetabbo hoti, evameva kammaṭṭhānaṃ pariyosānaṃ na gacchati, visesādhigamassa paccayo na hoti.


Ñ(VIII,64): 3. And as 'not too quickly', so also not too slowly. For just as when a man wants to do a three-league journey in one day, if he loiters on the way among trees, rocks, pools, etc., he does not finish the journey in a day and needs two or three to complete it, so too, if the meditator gives his attention to the meditation subject too slowly, he does not get to the end and it does not become a condition for distinction.

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