Visuddhimagga VIII-68

Tatrāyaṃ upamā –


Ñ(VIII,68): Here is a simile.

yathā hi dvattiṃsatālake tālavane vasantaṃ makkaṭaṃ gahetukāmo luddo ādimhi ṭhitatālassa paṇṇaṃ sarena vijjhitvā ukkuṭṭhiṃ kareyya, atha kho so makkaṭo paṭipāṭiyā tasmiṃ tasmiṃ tāle patitvā pariyantatālameva gaccheyya, tatthapi gantvā luddena tatheva kate puna teneva nayena āditālaṃ āgaccheyya,


Ñ: Suppose a hunter wanted to catch a monkey that lived in a grove of thirty-two palms, and he shot an arrow through a leaf of the palm that stood at the beginning and gave a shout; then the monkey went leaping successively from palm to palm till it reached the last palm; and when the hunter went there too and did as before, it came back in like manner to the first palm;

so evaṃ punappunaṃ paripātiyamāno ukkuṭṭhukkuṭṭhiṭṭhāneyeva uṭṭhahitvā anukkamena ekasmiṃ tāle nipatitvā tassa vemajjhe makuḷatālapaṇṇasūciṃ daḷhaṃ gahetvā vijjhiyamānopi na uṭṭhaheyya,


Ñ: and being followed thus again and again, after leaping from each place where a shout was given, it eventually jumped on to one palm, and firmly seizing the palm shoot's leaf spike in the middle, would not leap any more even when shot—

evaṃsampadamidaṃ daṭṭhabbaṃ.


Ñ: so it is with this.

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