Visuddhimagga VIII-69

Tatridaṃ opammasaṃsandanaṃ –


Ñ(VIII,69): The application of the simile is this.

yathā hi tālavane dvattiṃsatālā, evaṃ imasmiṃ kāye dvattiṃsakoṭṭhāsā.


Ñ: The thirty-two parts of the body are like the thirty-two palms in the grove.

Makkaṭo viya cittaṃ.


Ñ: The monkey is like the mind.

Luddo viya yogāvacaro.


Ñ: The meditator is like the hunter.

Makkaṭassa dvattiṃsatālake tālavane nivāso viya yogino cittassa dvattiṃsakoṭṭhāsake kāye ārammaṇavasena anusañcaraṇaṃ.


Ñ: The range of the meditator's mind in the body with its thirty-two parts as object is like the monkey's inhabiting the palm grove of thirty-two palms.

Luddena ādimhi ṭhitatālassa paṇṇaṃ sarena vijjhitvā ukkuṭṭhiyā katāya makkaṭassa tasmiṃ tasmiṃ tāle patitvā pariyantatālagamanaṃ viya yogino kesāti manasikāre āraddhe paṭipāṭiyā gantvā pariyosānakoṭṭhāseyeva cittassa saṇṭhānaṃ.

瑜伽行者开始于发的作意,顺次行去及置心于最后的部分,如猎师最初以弓矢射穿那(猕猴)所居的多罗树叶及作呼喊之声的时候,而猕猴顺次于多罗树上一一跳去而至最后的多罗树。[PTS 246]

Ñ: The settling down of the meditator's mind in the last part after going successively [from part to part] when he began by giving his attention to head hairs is like the monkey's leaping from palm to palm and going to the last palm, [246] when the hunter shot an arrow through the leaf of the palm where it was and gave a shout.

Puna paccāgamanepi eseva nayo.


Ñ: Likewise in the return to the beginning.

Punappunaṃ paripātiyamānassa makkaṭassa ukkuṭṭhukkuṭṭhiṭṭhāne uṭṭhānaṃ viya punappunaṃ manasikaroto kesuci kesuci upaṭṭhitesu anupaṭṭhahante vissajjetvā upaṭṭhitesu parikammakaraṇaṃ.


Ñ: His doing the preliminary work on those parts that have appeared, leaving behind those that did not appear while, as he gave his attention to them again and again, some appeared to him and some did not, is like the monkey's being followed and leaping up from each place where a shout is given.

Anukkamena ekasmiṃ tāle nipatitvā tassa majjhe makuḷatālapaṇṇasūciṃ daḷhaṃ gahetvā vijjhiyamānassapi anuṭṭhānaṃ viya avasāne dvīsu upaṭṭhitesu yo suṭṭhutaraṃ upaṭṭhāti, tameva punappunaṃ manasikaritvā appanāya uppādanaṃ.


Ñ: The meditator's repeated attention given to the part that in the end appears the more clearly of any two that have appeared to him and his finally reaching absorption, is like the monkey's eventually stopping in one palm, firmly seizing the palm shoot's leaf spike in the middle and not leaping up even when shot.

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