Visuddhimagga VIII-74

Tattha –


Ñ(VIII,74): 8. Herein, this sutta should be understood to deal with higher consciousness:

‘‘Adhicittamanuyuttena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tīṇi nimittāni kālenakālaṃ manasikātabbāni.


Ñ: 'Bhikkhus, there are three signs that should be given attention from time to time by a bhikkhu intent on higher consciousness.

Kālenakālaṃ samādhinimittaṃ manasikātabbaṃ.


Ñ: The sign of concentration should be given attention from time to time,

Kālenakālaṃ paggahanimittaṃ manasikātabbaṃ.

时时于策励相作意,[PTS 247]

Ñ: the sign of exertion should be given attention from time to time,

Kālenakālaṃ upekkhānimittaṃ manasikātabbaṃ.


Ñ: the sign of equanimity should be given attention from time to time. [247]

Sace, bhikkhave, adhicittamanuyutto bhikkhu ekantaṃ samādhinimittaññeva manasikareyya, ṭhānaṃ taṃ cittaṃ kosajjāya saṃvatteyya.


Ñ: If a bhikkhu intent on higher consciousness gives attention only to the sign of concentration, then his consciousness may conduce to idleness.

Sace, bhikkhave, adhicittamanuyutto bhikkhu ekantaṃ paggahanimittaññeva manasikareyya, ṭhānaṃ taṃ cittaṃ uddhaccāya saṃvatteyya.


Ñ: If a bhikkhu intent on higher consciousness gives attention only to the sign of exertion, then his consciousness may conduce to agitation.

Sace, bhikkhave, adhicittamanuyutto bhikkhu ekantaṃ upekkhānimittaññeva manasikareyya, ṭhānaṃ taṃ cittaṃ na sammā samādhiyeyya āsavānaṃ khayāya.


Ñ: If a bhikkhu intent on higher consciousness gives attention only to the sign of equanimity, then his consciousness may not become rightly concentrated for the destruction of cankers.

Yato ca kho, bhikkhave, adhicittamanuyutto bhikkhu kālenakālaṃ samādhinimittaṃ paggahanimittaṃ upekkhānimittaṃ manasikaroti,


Ñ: But, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu intent on higher consciousness gives attention from time to time to the sign of concentration ... to the sign of exertion ... to the sign of equanimity,

taṃ hoti cittaṃ muduñca kammaññañca pabhassarañca,


Ñ: then his consciousness becomes malleable, wieldy and bright,

na ca pabhaṅgu, sammā samādhiyati āsavānaṃ khayāya.


Ñ: it is not brittle and becomes rightly concentrated for the destruction of cankers.

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