Visuddhimagga VIII-78



Ñ(VIII,78): 10. Skill in the enlightenment factors has already been dealt with in the explanation of skill in absorption (Ch. IV, §51,57) in the passage beginning

‘‘pana evameva kho, bhikkhave, yasmiṃ samaye līnaṃ cittaṃ hoti, akālo tasmiṃ samaye passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāyā’’ti (saṃ. ni. 5.234)


Ñ: 'Bhikkhus, when the mind is slack, that is not the time for developing the tranquillity enlightenment factor...' (S.v,113).

appanākosallakathāyaṃ dassitameva.



Notes: the English translation is above @ Ñ(VIII,78) “has already been dealt with in the explanation of skill in absorption (Ch. IV, §51,57) in the passage beginning”.

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