Visuddhimagga VIII-83

Tatrāyaṃ sabbakoṭṭhāsesu anupubbakathā.


Ñ(VIII,83): Here is the explanation of all the parts given in successive order.

Kesā tāva pakativaṇṇena kāḷakā addāriṭṭhakavaṇṇā.



Ñ: (a) Firstly head hairs are black in their normal colour, the colour of fresh ariṭṭhaka seeds.

Saṇṭhānato dīghavaṭṭalikā tulādaṇḍasaṇṭhānā.


Ñ: As to shape, they are the shape of long round measuring rods.

Disato uparimadisāya jātā.


Ñ: As to direction, they lie in the upper direction.

Okāsato ubhosu passesu kaṇṇacūḷikāhi,


Ñ: As to location, their location is the wet inner skin that envelops the skull; it is bounded on both sides by the roots of the ears,

purato nalāṭantena,


Ñ: in front by the forehead,

pacchato galavāṭakena paricchinnā.


Ñ: and behind by the nape of the neck.

Sīsakaṭāhaveṭhanaṃ allacammaṃ kesānaṃ okāso.



Notes: the English translation is above @ Ñ(VIII,83) “their location is the wet inner skin that envelops the skull”.

Paricchedato kesā sīsaveṭhanacamme vīhaggamattaṃ pavisitvā patiṭṭhitena heṭṭhā attano mūlatalena,


Ñ: As to delimitation, they are bounded below by the surface of their own roots, which are fixed by entering to the amount of the tip of a rice grain into the inner skin that envelops the head.

upari ākāsena,


Ñ: They are bounded above by space,

tiriyaṃ aññamaññena paricchinnā,


Ñ: and all round by each other.

dve kesā ekato natthīti ayaṃ sabhāgaparicchedo.


Ñ: There are no two hairs together. This is their delimitation by the similar.

Kesā na lomā, lomā na kesāti evaṃ avasesaekatiṃsakoṭṭhāsehi amissīkatā kesā nāma pāṭiyekko ekakoṭṭhāsoti ayaṃ visabhāgaparicchedo.


Ñ: Head hairs are not body hairs, and body hairs are not head hairs; being likewise not intermixed with the remaining thirty-one parts, the head hairs are a separate part. This is their delimitation by the dissimilar.

Idaṃ kesānaṃ vaṇṇādito vavatthāpanaṃ.


Ñ: Such is the definition of head hairs as to colour and so on.

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