Visuddhimagga VIII-90

184. Tattha lomā tāva pakativaṇṇato na kesā viya asambhinnakāḷakā, kāḷapiṅgalā pana honti.



Ñ(VIII,90): Herein, firstly, as to natural colour, body hairs are not pure black like head hairs but blackish brown.

Saṇṭhānato onataggā tālamūlasaṇṭhānā.


Ñ: As to shape, they are the shape of palm roots with the tips bent down.

Disato dvīsu disāsu jātā.


Ñ: As to direction, they lie in the two directions.

Okāsato ṭhapetvā kesānaṃ patiṭṭhitokāsañca hatthapādatalāni ca yebhuyyena avasesasarīraveṭhanacamme jātā.


Ñ: As to location, except for the locations where the head hairs are established, and for the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, they grow in most of the rest of the inner skin that envelops the body.

Paricchedato sarīraveṭhanacamme likhāmattaṃ pavisitvā patiṭṭhitena heṭṭhā attano mūlatalena,


Ñ: As to delimitation, they are bounded below by the surface of their own roots, which are fixed by entering to the extent of a likhā into the inner skin that envelops the body,

upari ākāsena,


Ñ: above by space,

tiriyaṃ aññamaññena paricchinnā,


Ñ: and all round by each other.

dve lomā ekato natthi,


Ñ: There are no two body hairs together.

ayaṃ nesaṃ sabhāgaparicchedo.


Ñ: This is the delimitation by the similar.

Visabhāgaparicchedo pana kesasadisoyeva.


Ñ: But their delimitation by the dissimilar is like that for the head hairs.

[Note: These two last sentences are repeated verbatim at the end of the description of each part. They are not translated in the remaining thirty parts].

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