Visuddhimagga VIII-92

186. Dantāti paripuṇṇadantassa dvattiṃsa dantaṭṭhikāni.



Ñ(VIII,92): There are thirty-two tooth bones in one whose teeth are complete.

Tepi vaṇṇato setā.


Ñ: They are white in colour.

Saṇṭhānato anekasaṇṭhānā.


Ñ: As to shape, they are of various shapes;

Tesaṃ hi heṭṭhimāya tāva dantapāḷiyā majjhe cattāro dantā mattikāpiṇḍe paṭipāṭiyā ṭhapitaalābubījasaṇṭhānā.


Ñ: for firstly in the lower row, the four middle teeth are the shape of pumpkin seeds set in a row in a lump of clay;

Tesaṃ ubhosu passesu ekeko ekamūlako ekakoṭiko mallikamakuḷasaṇṭhāno.


Ñ: that on each side of them has one root and one point and is the shape of a jasmine bud;

Tato ekeko dvimūlako dvikoṭiko yānakaupatthambhinisaṇṭhāno.


Ñ: each one after that has two roots and two points and is the shape of a waggon prop;

Tato dve dve timūlā tikoṭikā.


Ñ: then two each side with three roots and three points,

Tato dve dve catumūlā catukoṭikāti.


Ñ: then two each side four-rooted and four-pointed.

Uparimapāḷiyāpi eseva nayo.


Ñ: Likewise in the upper row.

Disato uparimadisāya jātā.


Ñ: As to direction, they lie in the upper direction.

Okāsato dvīsu hanukaṭṭhikesu patiṭṭhitā.


Ñ: As to location, they are fixed in the jaw bones.

Paricchedato heṭṭhā hanukaṭṭhike patiṭṭhitena attano mūlatalena,


Ñ: As to delimitation, they are bounded by the surface of their own roots which are fixed in the jaw bones;

upari ākāsena,


Ñ: they are bounded above by space,

tiriyaṃ aññamaññena paricchinnā,


Ñ: and all round by each other.

dve dantā ekato natthi,


Ñ: There are no two teeth together.

ayaṃ nesaṃ sabhāgaparicchedo.


Ñ: … (This is the delimitation by the similar.)

Visabhāgaparicchedo pana kesasadisoyeva.


Ñ: (But their delimitation by the dissimilar is like that for the head hairs.)

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