Visuddhimagga VIII-107

Satta gīvaṭṭhīni daṇḍena vijjhitvā paṭipāṭiyā ṭhapitavaṃsakaḷīracakkalakasaṇṭhānāni.


Ñ(VIII,107): The seven neck bones are the shape of rings of bamboo stem threaded one after the other on a stick.

Heṭṭhimahanukaṭṭhi kammārānaṃ ayokūṭayottakasaṇṭhānaṃ.


Ñ: The lower jaw bone is the shape of a smith's iron hammer ring-fastening.

Uparimaṃ avalekhanasatthakasaṇṭhānaṃ.


Ñ: The upper one is the shape of a knife for scraping [rind off sugarcane].

Akkhikūpanāsakūpaṭṭhīni apanītamiñjataruṇatālaṭṭhisaṇṭhānāni.


Ñ: The bones of the eye sockets and nostril sockets are the shape of young palmyra seeds with the kernels removed.

Nalāṭaṭṭhi adhomukhaṭṭhapitasaṅkhathālakakapālasaṇṭhānaṃ.


Ñ: The frontal bone is the shape of an inverted bowl made of a shell.

Kaṇṇacūḷikaṭṭhīni nhāpitakhurakosasaṇṭhānāni.


Ñ: The bones of the ear-holes are the shape of barbers' razor boxes.

Nalāṭakaṇṇacūḷikānaṃ upari paṭṭabandhanokāse aṭṭhisaṅkuṭitaghaṭapuṇṇapaṭalakhaṇḍasaṇṭhānaṃ.


Ñ: The bone in the place where a cloth is tied [round the head] above the frontal bone and the ear holes is the shape of a piece of curled-up toffee flake.

Muddhaṭṭhi mukhacchinnavaṅkanāḷikerasaṇṭhānaṃ.


Ñ: The occiput bone is the shape of a lop-sided coconut with a hole cut in the end.

Sīsaṭṭhīni sibbetvā ṭhapitajajjaralābukaṭāhasaṇṭhānāni.


Ñ: The sinciput bones are the shape of a dish made of an old gourd held together with stitches.

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