Visuddhimagga VIII-110

192. Vakkanti ekabandhanā dve maṃsapiṇḍikā.



Ñ(VIII,110): This is two pieces of flesh with a single ligature.

Taṃ vaṇṇato mandarattaṃ pāḷibhaddakaṭṭhivaṇṇaṃ.


Ñ: As to colour, it is dull red, the colour of pālibhaddhaka seeds.

Saṇṭhānato dārakānaṃ yamakakīḷāgoḷakasaṇṭhānaṃ,


Ñ: As to shape, it is the shape of a pair of child's play balls;

ekavaṇṭapaṭibaddhaambaphaladvayasaṇṭhānaṃ vā.


Ñ: or it is the shape of a pair of mango fruits attached to a single stalk.

Disato uparimāya disāya jātaṃ.


Ñ: As to direction, it lies in the upper direction.

Okāsato galavāṭakā nikkhantena ekamūlena thokaṃ gantvā dvidhā bhinnena thūlanhārunā vinibaddhaṃ hutvā hadayamaṃsaṃ parikkhipitvā ṭhitaṃ.


Ñ: As to location, it is to be found on either side of the heart flesh, being fastened by a stout sinew that starts out with one root from the base of the neck and divides into two after going a short way.

Paricchedato vakkaṃ vakkabhāgena paricchinnaṃ,


Ñ: As to delimitation, the kidney is bounded by what appertains to kidney.

ayamassa sabhāgaparicchedo.


Ñ: … (This is the delimitation by the similar.)

Visabhāgaparicchedo pana kesasadisoyeva.


Ñ: (But their delimitation by the dissimilar is like that for the head hairs.)

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