Visuddhimagga VIII-148

Santoceva paṇīto cāti santo ceva paṇīto ceva.


Ñ(VIII,148): Both peaceful and sublime (santo c' eva paṇīto ca): it is peaceful in both ways and sublime in both ways;

Ubhayattha eva saddena niyamo veditabbo.


Ñ: the two words should each be understood as governed by the word 'both' (eva).

Kiṃ vuttaṃ hoti?


Ñ: What is meant?

Ayañhi yathā asubhakammaṭṭhānaṃ kevalaṃ paṭivedhavasena santañca paṇītañca,


Ñ: Unlike foulness, which as a meditation subject is peaceful and sublime only by penetration,

oḷārikārammaṇattā pana paṭikkūlārammaṇattā ca ārammaṇavasena neva santaṃ na paṇītaṃ,


Ñ: but is neither (n'eva) peaceful nor sublime in its object since its object [in the learning stage] is gross, and [after that] its object is repulsiveness—

na evaṃ kenaci pariyāyena asanto vā apaṇīto vā,


Ñ: unlike that, this is not unpeaceful or unsublime in any way,

atha kho ārammaṇasantatāyapi santo vūpasanto nibbuto,


Ñ: but on the contrary it is peaceful, stilled and quiet both on account of the peacefulness of its object



Ñ: and on account of the peacefulness of that one of its factors called penetration.

Ārammaṇapaṇītatāyapi paṇīto atittikaro, aṅgapaṇītatāyapīti.

依「所缘的殊胜性」之故是殊胜的,[PTS 268] (修习)无满足的,依(称为通达)「(禅)支的殊胜性」之故也是(殊胜而无满足)的。

Ñ: And it is sublime, something one cannot have enough of, both on account of the sublimeness of its object and on [268] account of the sublimeness of the aforesaid factor.

Tena vuttaṃ ‘‘santo ceva paṇīto cā’’ti.


Ñ: Hence it is called 'both peaceful and sublime'.

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