Visuddhimagga VIII-149

Asecanako ca sukho ca vihāroti ettha pana nāssa secananti asecanako, anāsittako abbokiṇṇo pāṭiyekko āveṇiko.


Ñ(VIII,149): It is an unadulterated blissful abiding: it has no adulteration, thus it is unadulterated; it is unalloyed, unmixed, particular, special.

Natthi ettha parikammena vā upacārena vā santatā.


Ñ: Here it is not a question of peacefulness to be reached through preliminary work [as with the kasiṇas] or through access [as with foulness, for instance].

Ādisamannāhārato pabhuti attano sabhāveneva santo ca paṇīto cāti attho.


Ñ: It is peaceful and sublime in its own individual essence too starting with the very first attention given to it.

Keci pana asecanakoti anāsittako ojavanto sabhāveneva madhuroti vadanti.


Ñ: But some say that it is 'unadulterated' because it is unalloyed, possessed of nutritive value and sweet in its individual essence too.

Evaṃ ayaṃ asecanako ca, appitappitakkhaṇe kāyikacetasikasukhapaṭilābhāya saṃvattanato sukho ca vihāroti veditabbo.


Ñ: So it should be understood to be 'unadulterated' and a 'blissful abiding' since it leads to the obtaining of bodily and mental bliss with every moment of absorption.

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