Visuddhimagga VIII-155

Atha vā yasmā idaṃ kammaṭṭhānappabhede muddhabhūtaṃ sabbaññubuddhapaccekabuddhabuddhasāvakānaṃ visesādhigamadiṭṭhadhammasukhavihārapadaṭṭhānaṃ ānāpānassatikammaṭṭhānaṃ itthipurisahatthiassādisaddasamākulaṃ gāmantaṃ apariccajitvā na sukaraṃ bhāvetuṃ, saddakaṇṭakattā jhānassa.


Ñ(VIII,155): Or alternatively, this mindfulness of breathing as a meditation subject—which is foremost among the various meditation subjects of all Buddhas, [some] Paccekabuddhas and [some] Buddhas' disciples as a basis for attaining distinction and abiding in bliss here and now—is not easy to develop without leaving the neighbourhood of villages, which resound with the noises of women, men, elephants, horses, etc., noise being a thorn to jhāna (see A.v,135),

Agāmake pana araññe sukaraṃ yogāvacarena idaṃ kammaṭṭhānaṃ pariggahetvā ānāpānacatutthajjhānaṃ nibbattetvā tadeva pādakaṃ katvā saṅkhāre sammasitvā aggaphalaṃ arahattaṃ sampāpuṇituṃ.


Ñ: whereas in the forest away from a village a meditator can at his ease set about discerning this meditation subject and achieve the fourth jhāna in mindfulness of breathing; and then, by making that same jhāna the basis for comprehension of formations [with insight] (Ch. XX, §2f.), he can reach Arahantship, the highest fruit.

Tasmāssa anurūpasenāsanaṃ dassento bhagavā ‘‘araññagato vā’’tiādimāha.


Ñ: That is why the Blessed One said 'gone to the forest', etc., in pointing out a favourable abode for him.

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