Visuddhimagga VIII-156

Vatthuvijjācariyo viya hi bhagavā,

世尊如宅地学的(工程)师。[PTS 270]

Ñ(VIII,156): For the Blessed One is like a master of the art of building sites (see D.i,9,12; ii,87). [270]

so yathā vatthuvijjācariyo nagarabhūmiṃ passitvā suṭṭhu upaparikkhitvā ‘‘ettha nagaraṃ māpethā’’ti upadisati,


Ñ: As the master of the art of building sites surveys the proposed site for a town, thoroughly examines it, and then gives his directions, 'Build the town here',

sotthinā ca nagare niṭṭhite rājakulato mahāsakkāraṃ labhati,


Ñ: and when the town is safely finished, he receives great honour from the royal family,

evameva yogāvacarassa anurūpasenāsanaṃ upaparikkhitvā ‘‘ettha kammaṭṭhānaṃ anuyuñjitabba’’nti upadisati,


Ñ: so the Blessed One examines an abode as to its suitability for the meditator, and he directs, 'Devote yourself to the meditation subject here',

tato tattha kammaṭṭhānaṃ anuyuttena yoginā kamena arahatte patte ‘‘sammāsambuddho vata so bhagavā’’ti mahantaṃ sakkāraṃ labhati.


Ñ: and later on, when the meditator has devoted himself to the meditation subject and has reached Arahantship and says, 'The Blessed One is indeed fully enlightened', the Blessed One receives great honour.

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