Visuddhimagga VIII-157

Ayaṃ pana bhikkhu dīpisadisoti vuccati.


Ñ(VIII,157): And this bhikkhu is compared to a leopard.

Yathā hi mahādīpirājā araññe tiṇagahanaṃ vā vanagahanaṃ vā pabbatagahanaṃ vā nissāya nilīyitvā vanamahiṃsagokaṇṇasūkarādayo mige gaṇhāti,


Ñ: For just as a great leopard king lurks in a grass wilderness or a jungle wilderness or a rock wilderness in the forest and seizes wild beasts—the wild buffalo, wild ox, boar, etc.—,

evameva ayaṃ araññādīsu kammaṭṭhānaṃ anuyuñjanto bhikkhu yathākkamena sotāpattisakadāgāmianāgāmiarahattamagge ceva ariyaphalañca gaṇhatīti veditabbo.


Ñ: so too, the bhikkhu who devotes himself to his meditation subject in the forest, etc., should be understood to seize successively the paths of stream-entry, once-return, non-return, and Arahantship; and the noble fruitions as well.

Tenāhu porāṇā –


Ñ: Hence the Ancients said:

‘‘Yathāpi dīpiko nāma, nilīyitvā gaṇhatī mige;


Ñ: 'For as the leopard by his lurking [in the forest] seizes beasts

Tathevāyaṃ buddhaputto, yuttayogo vipassako;


Ñ: So also will this Buddhas' son, with insight gifted, strenuous,

Araññaṃ pavisitvāna, gaṇhāti phalamuttama’’nti. (pārā. aṭṭha. 2.165; dī. ni. aṭṭha. 2.374; ma. ni. aṭṭha. 1.107);


Ñ: By his retreating to the forest seize the highest fruit of all' (Miln. 369).

Tenassa parakkamajavayoggabhūmiṃ araññasenāsanaṃ dassento bhagavā ‘‘araññagato vā’’tiādimāha.


Ñ: So the Blessed One said 'gone to the forest', etc., to point out a forest abode as a place likely to hasten his advancement.

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