Visuddhimagga VIII-158

218. Tattha araññagatoti ‘‘araññanti nikkhamitvā bahi indakhīlā sabbametaṃ arañña’’nti (vibha. 529) ca, ‘‘āraññakaṃ nāma senāsanaṃ pañcadhanusatikaṃ pacchima’’nti (pārā. 654) ca evaṃ vuttalakkhaṇesu araññesu yaṃkiñci pavivekasukhaṃ araññaṃ gato.


Ñ(VIII,158): Herein, gone to the forest is gone to any kind of forest possessing the bliss of seclusion among the kinds of forests characterized thus: 'Having gone out beyond the boundary post, all that is forest' (Ps.i,176; Vbh. 251), and 'A forest abode is five hundred bow lengths distant' (Vin.iv,183).

Rukkhamūlagatoti rukkhasamīpaṃ gato.


Ñ: To the root of a tree: gone to the vicinity of a tree.

Suññāgāragatoti suññaṃ vivittokāsaṃ gato.


Ñ: To an empty place: gone to an empty, secluded space.

Ettha ca ṭhapetvā araññañca rukkhamūlañca avasesasattavidhasenāsanagatopi suññāgāragatoti vattuṃ vaṭṭati.

这里除了阿练若及树下之外,去其它的七种住所,亦可说为去空闲处。[PTS 271]

Ñ: And here he can be said to have gone to an 'empty place' if he has gone to any of the remaining seven kinds of abode (resting place). [271]

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