Visuddhimagga VIII-27

173. Āyudubbalatoti āyu nāmetaṃ abalaṃ dubbalaṃ.


Ñ(VIII,27): 5. As to the frailty of life: this life is impotent and frail.

Tathā hi sattānaṃ jīvitaṃ assāsapassāsūpanibaddhañceva iriyāpathūpanibaddhañca sītuṇhūpanibaddhañca mahābhūtūpanibaddhañca āhārūpanibaddhañca.


Ñ: For the life of beings is bound up with breathing, it is bound up with the postures, it is bound up with cold and heat, it is bound up with the primary elements, and it is bound up with nutriment.

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