Visuddhimagga VIII-28

Tadetaṃ assāsapassāsānaṃ samavuttitaṃ labhamānameva pavattati.


Ñ(VIII,28): Life occurs only when the in-breaths and out-breaths occur evenly.

Bahi nikkhantanāsikavāte pana anto apavisante, paviṭṭhe vā anikkhamante mato nāma hoti.


Ñ: But when the wind in the nostrils that has gone outside does not go in again, or when that which has gone inside does not come out again, then a man is reckoned to be dead.

Catunnaṃ iriyāpathānampi samavuttitaṃ labhamānameva pavattati.

2)获得四威仪的平衡而命能存续。[PTS 236]

Ñ: And it occurs only when the four postures are found occurring evenly. [236]

Aññataraññatarassa pana adhimattatāya āyusaṅkhārā upacchijjanti.


Ñ: But with the prevailing of any one of them the life process is interrupted.

Sītuṇhānampi samavuttitaṃ labhamānameva pavattati.


Ñ: And it occurs only when cold and heat are found occurring evenly.

Atisītena pana atiuṇhena vā abhibhūtassa vipajjati.


Ñ: But it fails when a man is overcome by excessive cold or heat.

Mahābhūtānampi samavuttitaṃ labhamānameva pavattati.


Ñ: And it occurs only when the four primary elements are found occurring evenly.

Pathavīdhātuyā pana āpodhātuādīnaṃ vā aññataraññatarassa pakopena balasampannopi puggalo patthaddhakāyo vā atisārādivasena kilinnapūtikāyo vā mahāḍāhapareto vā sambhijjamānasandhibandhano vā hutvā jīvitakkhayaṃ pāpuṇāti.


Ñ: But with the disturbance of the earth element even a strong man's life can be terminated if his body becomes rigid, or with the disturbance of one of the elements beginning with water if his body becomes flaccid and putrifies with a flux of the bowels, etc., or if he is consumed by a bad fever, or if he suffers a severing of his limb-joint ligatures (cf. Ch. XI, §102).

Kabaḷīkārāhārampi yuttakāle labhantasseva jīvitaṃ pavattati,


Ñ: And life occurs only in one who gets physical nutriment at the proper time;

āhāraṃ alabhamānassa pana parikkhayaṃ gacchatīti.


Ñ: but if he gets none, he uses his life up.

Evaṃ āyudubbalato maraṇaṃ anussaritabbaṃ.


Ñ: This is how death should be recollected as to the frailty of life.

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