Visuddhimagga VIII-37

Yo ca khvāyaṃ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃ maraṇassatiṃ bhāveti,


Ñ(VIII,37): 'And, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu develops mindfulness of death thus,

aho vatāhaṃ tadantaraṃ jīveyyaṃ, yadantaraṃ ekaṃ ālopaṃ saṅkhāditvā ajjhoharāmi, bhagavato sāsanaṃ manasikareyyaṃ, bahuṃ vata me kataṃ assāti.


Ñ: "Oh, let me live for as long as it takes to chew and swallow a single mouthful that I may attend to the Blessed One's teaching, surely much could be done by me",

Yo cāyaṃ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃ maraṇassatiṃ bhāveti,


Ñ: and when a bhikkhu develops mindfulness of death thus,

aho vatāhaṃ tadantaraṃ jīveyyaṃ, yadantaraṃ assasitvā vā passasāmi, passasitvā vā assasāmi, bhagavato sāsanaṃ manasikareyyaṃ, bahuṃ vata me kataṃ assāti.


Ñ: "Oh, let me live as long as it takes to breathe in and breathe out, or as long as it takes to breathe out and breathe in, that I may attend to the Blessed One's teaching, surely much could be done by me"—

Ime vuccanti, bhikkhave, bhikkhū appamattā viharanti, tikkhaṃ maraṇassatiṃ bhāventi āsavānaṃ khayāyā’’ti (a. ni. 6.19).


Ñ: these are called bhikkhus who dwell in diligence and keenly develop mindfulness of death for the destruction of cankers' (A.iii,305-6).

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