Visuddhimagga VIII-46

Tattha atthīti saṃvijjanti. Imasminti yvāyaṃ uddhaṃ pādatalā adho kesamatthakā tacapariyanto pūro nānappakārassa asucinoti vuccati, tasmiṃ.


Ñ(VIII,46): Herein, there are means, there are found. In this: in this, which is expressed thus: 'Up from the soles of the feet and down from the top of the hair and contained in the skin, as full of many kinds of filth'.

Kāyeti sarīre.


Ñ: Body: the carcase;

Sarīraṃ hi asucisañcayato kucchitānaṃ kesādīnañceva cakkhurogādīnañca rogasatānaṃ āyabhūtato kāyoti vuccati.


Ñ: for it is the carcase that is called 'body' (kāya) because it is a conglomeration of filth, because such vile (kucchita) things as the head hairs, etc., and the hundred diseases beginning with eye disease, have it as their origin (āya).

Kesā lomāti ete kesādayo dvattiṃsākārā.


Ñ: Head hairs, body hairs: these things beginning with head hairs are the thirty-two aspects.

Tattha atthi imasmiṃ kāye kesā, atthi imasmiṃ kāye lomāti evaṃ sambandho veditabbo.


Ñ: The construction here should be understood in this way: In this body there are head hairs, in this body there are body hairs.

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