Visuddhimagga VIII-47

Imasmiṃ hi pādatalā paṭṭhāya upari, kesamatthakā paṭṭhāya heṭṭhā, tacato paṭṭhāya paritoti ettake byāmamatte kaḷevare sabbākārenapi vicinanto na koci kiñci muttaṃ vā maṇiṃ vā veḷuriyaṃ vā agaruṃ vā kuṅkumaṃ vā kappūraṃ vā vāsacuṇṇādiṃ vā aṇumattampi sucibhāvaṃ passati, atha kho paramaduggandhajegucchaṃ asirikadassanaṃ nānappakāraṃ kesalomādibhedaṃ asuciṃyeva passati.


Ñ(VIII,47): No one who searches throughout the whole of this fathom-long car-case, starting upwards from the soles of the feet, starting downwards from the top of the head, and starting from the skin all round, ever finds even the minutest atom at all beautiful in it, such as a pearl, or a gem, or beryl, or aloes, or saffron, or camphor, or talcum powder; on the contrary he finds nothing but the various very malodorous, offensive, drab-looking sort of filth consisting of the head hairs, body hairs, and the rest.

Tena vuttaṃ ‘‘atthi imasmiṃ kāye kesā lomā…pe… mutta’’nti.


Ñ: Hence it is said: 'In this body there are head hairs, body hairs ... urine'.

Ayamettha padasambandhato vaṇṇanā.


Ñ: This is the commentary on the word-construction here.

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