Visuddhimagga VIII-76

‘‘Evameva kho, bhikkhave, adhicittamanuyuttena…pe… samādhiyati āsavānaṃ khayāya.

「诸比丘!如是勤策增上心的比丘••••••乃至••••••为漏尽而正等持。[PTS 248]

Ñ(VIII,76): 'So too, bhikkhus, there are three signs that should be given attention from time to time by a bhikkhu intent on higher consciousness … becomes rightly concentrated for the destruction of cankers. [248]

Yassa yassa ca abhiññā sacchi karaṇīyassa dhammassa cittaṃ abhininnāmeti abhiññā sacchi kiriyāya, tatra tatreva sakkhibhabbataṃ pāpuṇāti sati sati āyatane’’ti (a. ni. 3.103).


Ñ: He attains the ability to be a witness, through realization by direct-knowledge, of any state realizable by direct-knowledge to which he inclines his mind, whenever there is occasion' (A.i,256-58).

Idaṃ suttaṃ adhicittanti veditabbaṃ.



Notes: the English translation is above @ Ñ(VIII,74) “this sutta should be understood to deal with higher consciousness”.

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