Visuddhimagga VIII-86

Telamakkhanapupphadhūpādi saṅkhāravirahitānañca kesānaṃ gandho paramajeguccho hoti.


Ñ(VIII,86): And the odour of head hairs, unless dressed with a smearing of oil, scented with flowers, etc., is most offensive.

Tato jegucchataro aggimhi pakkhittānaṃ.

若(把头发)投入火中,(那气味)就更讨厌了。[PTS 250]

Ñ: And it is still worse when they are put in the fire. [250]

Kesā hi vaṇṇasaṇṭhānato appaṭikkūlāpi siyuṃ,


Ñ: Even if head hairs are not directly repulsive in colour and shape,

gandhena pana paṭikkūlāyeva.


Ñ: still their odour is directly repulsive.

Yathā hi daharassa kumārassa vaccaṃ vaṇṇato haliddivaṇṇaṃ, saṇṭhānatopi haliddipiṇḍasaṇṭhānaṃ.


Ñ: Just as a baby's excrement, as to its colour, is the colour of turmeric and, as to its shape, is the shape of a piece of turmeric root,

Saṅkāraṭṭhāne chaḍḍitañca uddhumātakakāḷasunakhasarīraṃ vaṇṇato tālapakkavaṇṇaṃ.


Ñ: and just as the bloated carcase of a black dog thrown on a rubbish heap, as to its colour, is the colour of a ripe palmyra fruit and,

Saṇṭhānato vaṭṭetvā vissaṭṭhamudiṅgasaṇṭhānaṃ.


Ñ: as to its shape, is the shape of a [mandoline-shaped] drum left face down,

Dāṭhāpissa sumanamakuḷasadisāti ubhayampi vaṇṇasaṇṭhānato siyā appaṭikkūlaṃ gandhena pana paṭikkūlameva.


Ñ: and its fangs are like jasmine buds, and so even if both these are not directly repulsive in colour and shape, still their odour is directly repulsive,

Evaṃ kesāpi siyuṃ vaṇṇasaṇṭhānato appaṭikkūlā gandhena pana paṭikkūlāyevāti.


Ñ: so too, even if head hairs are not directly repulsive in colour and shape, still their odour is directly repulsive.

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