Visuddhimagga II-2

Bhagavatā hi pariccattalokāmisānaṃ kāye ca jīvite ca anapekkhānaṃ anulomapaṭipadaṃyeva ārādhetukāmānaṃ kulaputtānaṃ terasadhutaṅgāni anuññātāni.

为那些舍离世间染着不惜身命而欲勤得随顺行(毗钵[pí bō]舍那)的善男子,世尊听许他们受持十三头陀支。


Ñ(II,2): Thirteen kinds of ascetic practices have been allowed by the Blessed One to clansmen who have given up the things of the flesh and, regardless of body and life, are desirous of undertaking a practice in conformity [with their aim].

Chew: According to Chinese translation, 'practice in conformity' is one of the Vipassanā ñāṇa.

Han: I assume that the Pāḷi word for 'practice in conformity' is 'anulomapaṭipadaṃyeva'.
In Abhidhamma books, "anuloma ñāṇa" (the knowledge of adaptation to the Path) is one of the vipassanā ñāṇas.

Seyyathidaṃ – paṃsukūlikaṅgaṃ, tecīvarikaṅgaṃ, piṇḍapātikaṅgaṃ, sapadānacārikaṅgaṃ, ekāsanikaṅgaṃ, pattapiṇḍikaṅgaṃ, khalupacchābhattikaṅgaṃ, āraññikaṅgaṃ, rukkhamūlikaṅgaṃ, abbhokāsikaṅgaṃ, sosānikaṅgaṃ, yathāsanthatikaṅgaṃ, nesajjikaṅganti.


Ñ: They are:

i. the refuse-rag-wearer's practice,

ii. the triple-robe-wearer's practice,

iii. the alms-food-eater's practice,

iv. the house-to-house-seeker's practice,

v. the one-sessioner's practice,

vi. the bowl-food-eater's practice,

vii. the later-food-refuser's practice,

viii. the forest-dweller's practice,

ix. the tree-root-dweller's practice,

x. the open-air-dweller's practice,

xi. the charnel-ground-dweller's practice,

xii. the any-bed-user's practice,

xiii. the sitter's practice.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !